Theology - Biblical, Historical, Practical
About this Course
This online course focuses on the relevance of theology in addressing the current concerns of teens and young adults, specifically in the context of cultural changes and mental health. The course aims to help students understand and interact with the concept of "knowledge of God" and His Word in a broader biblical, historical, and cultural context. Topics include Creation, the historical development of Christian theology, evil, sin, suffering, trauma, fellowship relationships, law and politics, Christianity and other religions, and more. The Bible is the only textbook for the course, with students expected to engage in independent study and external research of provided Bible passages. Participation in each class is mandatory, and students are encouraged to treat each other with kindness and respect, regardless of differing views. This course is available only to students taking at least one TPS core high school course and is not intended for students seeking a foundational Bible Survey or Apologetics course.
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