About this Course

TGC 6 is an advanced online course designed for upper-level School of Rhetoric students, typically recommended for 12th grade. It explores the intellectual journey from the Modern Era to the present day, examining how key figures, ideas, and books have shaped the world we live in. The course delves into various works of theology, philosophy, and literature, tracing the evolution of thought from the Enlightenment and Romanticism to materialism, socialism, and existentialism in the 20th century. Students are encouraged to engage in class discussions and writing assignments, fostering critical thinking and analysis of these topics within a biblical context.

The courseicking who, what, and when behind the modern world. Students can expect to spend approximately 3-5 hours per week on reading assignments, with additional time allocated for discussion board posts, preparing student-led discussions, and writing two papers per semester. The curriculum is centered around a list of books that cover these themes, providing a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

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