Famous Men of Rome
About this Course
The course "Famous Men of the Rome" is an introductory online history lesson, designed for students aged 8 to 11, with no prerequisites required. It spans over a full year, curtailed into five-week semesters. This comprehensive, action-packed course explores the history of Rome from its inception under Romulus to the end of the Western Roman Empire, through the lives of notable figures like Horatius, Camillus, Caesar, and Marcus Aurelius. Students engage in interactive activities such as discussion questions, timelines, maps, worksheets, and drawing pages, dedicating approximately 30 minutes daily. Assessment is based on class participation, weekly quizzes, and a final exam. Essential materials include the 'Famous Men of the Rome' text, a student guide, and ancient civilization wall maps. A USB headset microphone (or a built-in microphone) is also required.
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