Algebra II (Problem-Solving Approach)
About this Course
The online course "Algebra II (Problem-Solving Approach)" is a full-year course designed to prepare students for advanced level math classes such as Number Theory, Geometry, and Pre-Calculus. The course focuses on problem-solving, logic, and engagement with upper-level math to foster in-depth understanding and enjoyment. Topics covered in the course include complex numbers, graphing quadratics, quadratic optimization, graphing functions, inverse functions, operations with polynomials, logarithms, exponential functions, and special manipulations. The course encourages students to attempt problems multiple times until they master the concept. A prerequisite of completion of WTMA Algebra I (Problem-Solving Approach), AoPS Algebra A, or a similar rigorous or honors level Algebra I course; Art of Problem Solving Algebra B Pretest is required. For students who wish to switch from another curriculum, taking the summer course "Bridge to Algebra II is recommended.
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